13 research outputs found

    Names, addresses and identities in ambient networks

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    Ambient Networks interconnect independent realms that may use different local network technologies and may belong to different administrative or legal entities. At the core of these advanced internetworking concepts is a flexible naming architecture based on dynamic indirections between names, addresses and identities. This paper gives an overview of the connectivity abstractions of Ambient Networks and then describes its naming architecture in detail, comparing and contrasting them to other related next-generation network architectures

    Flow caching for high entropy packet fields

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    Packet classification on general purpose CPUs remains expensive regardless of advances in classification algorithms. Unless the packet forwarding pipeline is both simple and static in function, fine-tuning the system for optimal forwarding is a time-consuming and brittle process. Network virtualization and network function virtual-ization value general purpose CPUs exactly for their flexibility: in such systems, a single x86 forwarding element does not implement a single, static classification step but a sequence of dynamically reconfigurable and potentially complex forwarding operations. This leaves a software developer looking for maximal packet forwarding throughput with few options besides flow caching. In this paper, we consider the problem of flow caching and more specifically, how to cache forwarding decisions that depend on packet fields with high entropy (and therefore, change often); to this end, we arrive at algorithms that allow us to efficiently compute near optimal flow cache entries spanning several transport connections, even if forwarding decisions depend on transport protocol headers. Categories and Subject Descriptor

    Toimijoiden väliset insentiivit Internetin arkkitehtuurissa

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    Recent experience in networking research has shown protocol and architecture deployment to be problematic, to say the least. We argue that the typically non-uniform distribution of costs and benefits inherent in many inter-domain designs is a roadblock on the path of deployment that is extremely hard, or costly, to circumvent after the fact. Therefore, the voluntary inter-domain structure that has evolved along with the transition to the commercial Internet of today should be consciously embraced and built upon. In this dissertation we first explore the relevant features of the inter-domain Internet, including the incentives behind typical inter-domain policies, architectural challenges, and new approaches to inter-domain routing such as content-oriented networking. Then we show how to use this knowledge to build an inter-domain network model that can be used to validate new inter-domain architectures. Finally, we give examples of using this model in the context of content-oriented networking and inter-domain multicast.Viimeaikainen kokemus tietoverkkotutkimuksessa on osoittanut verkkoyhteyskäytäntöjen ja kokonaisten verkkoarkkitehtuurien käyttöönoton olevan vähintäänkin haasteellista. Näyttääkin siltä, että kustannusten ja hyötyjen epätasainen jakautuminen eri verkkotoimijoiden kesken on koko verkon kattavien järjestelmien tyypillinen ominaisuus. Tämä muodostuu usein ylitsepääsemättömäksi esteeksi uusien järjestelmien käyttöönotolle Internetissä. Tästä johtuen Internetin toimijoidenvälinen rakenne, sellaisena kun se on muodostunut nykyiseen kaupalliseen toimintaympäristöön siirtymisen yhteydessä, tulisi ottaa tietoisesti huomioon uusien verkkojärjestelmien suunnittelussa. Tässä väitöskirjassa esitän aluksi Internetin globaalin rakenteen peruspiirteet, mukaanlukien tyypillisten verkonohjauskäytäntöjen taustalla olevat insentiivit ja arkkitehtooniset haasteet. Lisäksi esitän myös uusia näkökulmia Internetin reititykseen sisältöohjautuneen verkottumisen muodossa. Sitten näytän kuinka tätä tietämystä hyödyntäen voidaan rakentaa verkonlaajuinen malli, jota voidaan käyttää uusien, verkon eri toimijoiden välisten verkkoarkkitehtuurien arviointiin. Lopuksi annan esimerkkejä tämän mallin käytöstä sisältöohjautuneen verkottumisen sekä verkkojenvälisen ryhmälähetyksen yhteydessä

    Names, Addresses and Identities in Ambient Networks

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    Ambient Networks interconnect independent realms that may use different local network technologies and may belong to different administrative or legal entities. At the core of these advanced internetworking concepts is a flexible naming architecture based on dynamic indirections between names, addresses and identities. This paper gives an overview of the connectivity abstractions of Ambient Networks and then describes its naming architecture in detail, comparing and contrasting them to other related nextgeneration network architectures

    A Node Identity Internetworking Architecture

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    Abstract — The Internet consists of independent networks that belong to different administrative domains and vary in scope from personal area networks, private home networks, corporate networks to ISP and global operator networks. These networks may employ different technologies, communications mediums, addressing realms and may have widely different capabilities. The coming years will add a significant level of dynamic behavior, such as mobile nodes and moving networks, which the Internet must support. At the same time, there is a need to address the increasing levels of harmful traffic and denial-of-service attacks. The existing Internet architecture does not support dynamic behavior or secure communication to a sufficient degree. This paper outlines a node-identity-based internetworking architecture that allows heterogeneous networks to work together without loss of functionality. Some of techniques employed in this architecture include reliance on cryptographic node identifiers, identity routers and localized addressing realms. 1 T I

    Исследование и технологическое обеспечение качества обработки для деталей узла «барабан в сборе» на АО «ПМЗ»

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    Целью данной работы является исследование и технологическое обеспечение качества oбрaбoтки для деталей узла барaбaн в сборе для АО "Павлодарский машиностроительный завод" Научная новизна:полученные данные при исследовании напряженно-деформированного состояния узла барaбaн в сборе при переменных нагрузках с использованием компьютерного моделирования; разработана ресурсосберегающая технология изготовления детали барaбaн в сборе; разработан технологический процесс для барaбaнов большего диаметра (более 350мм) получения кольцевых заготовок прогрессивным методом центробежного литья с последующей их автоматической сваркой;разработана схема приспособления к токарно-карусельному станку для реализации технологического процесса отделочно-упрочняющей oбрaбoтки тяжелонагруженных зубчатых венцовThe purpose of this work is research and technological assurance of the quality of workmanship for parts of the assembly baraban assembly for "Pavlodar Machine-Building Plant" Scientific novelty: the data obtained in the study of the stress-strain state of the assembly baraban under variable loads using computer simulation; a resource-saving technology for manufacturing a complete bar part has been developed; a technological process has been developed for barbs with a larger diameter (more than 350 mm) for the production of circular blanks by the progressive method of centrifugal casting with their subsequent automatic welding; a scheme has been developed for adapting to a vertical turning lathe for the implementation of the technological process of finishing and hardening work

    Naming in content-oriented architectures

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    There have been several recent proposals for content-oriented network architectures whose underlying mechanisms are surprisingly similar in spirit, but which differ in many details. In this paper we step back from the mechanistic details and focus only on the area where the these approaches have a fundamental difference: naming. In particular, some designs adopt a hierarchical, humanreadable names, whereas others use self-certifying names. When discussing a network architecture, three of the most important requirements are security, scalability, and flexibility. In this paper we examine the two different naming approaches in terms of these three basic goals. Categories and Subject Descriptor